Hi, I'm Philip Hofmann

Master Student PoC @ UZH

What I am all about

I believe that we are all here together to learn and grow. That we were intelligences, given a spiritual body (by god), chose to be born here on earth to receive a physical body (earthly parents), grow and learn, maybe have children/a family of our own, die and receive a more perfected body afterwards, never to be separated again. All the while helping our friends in their progress while progressing ourselves.

I am a student at University of Zuerich, I did my bachelors in Information Systems and am currently at my master studies in People-Oriented Computing which I am planning to complete in September 2020, finishing my master thesis.

Concurrently I am working as a student programmer at the Faculty of Law in Team IT-Projects and E-Learning, doing a visualization of a legal history timeline. You can inspect my project documentation and a prototype version of the application and the current production version .

We also just finished our master project at the Department of Informatics in Software Engineering where the University hired us to use it in production for their python introduction lecture, where the students solved the exercises on our system. You can find more information here.



I like hiking in the beautiful swiss mountains where i get to enjoy nice views, stay active&fit while enjoying the company of friends.


I regularly meet with friends from church at thursday evenings to play volleyball.


This is a choir where I often participated in projects as a singer, you can check us out on this website


I received piano lessons for around 8 years. During gymnasium, I switched to e-guitar lessons for 4 years, but piano stayed my main expressive instrument (to express myself that is, or to process emotions). Since I have not played e-guitar for forever, my e-guitar skills throw a 404.


I am a member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. I wanted to be baptized with the age of 8, where I had prayed to god if he were in agreement (if it were okay for him) with me getting baptized, and he said yes. Since then I am attending church regularly each week and attend activities. I also served a mission for two years, right in between my military service and my university studies. Check out this video on how god has blessed my life so far.


I like snowboarding in the swiss mountains with my friends, even though I am pretty average at it ;)


My friends/cousing/family members are important to me. There are some persons that I greatly appreaciate and admire and I am blessed by having them in my life and try to have contact with them regularly. I also have game nights with friends, and during summer lately we go to the lake once a week.


Videogames, card games, board games, ... with friends: It's not primarily about winning, it is about having fun.


Drawings in pencil are really nice. Also during this coronavirus-homeoffice time, I picked up painting in colors (acryl).


2018 - Present

Master of Science in Informatics

People-Oriented Computing

University of Zuerich

20014 - 2018

Bachelor of Science in Informatics

Information Systems

University of Zuerich


2019 - Present


Team IT Projekte und E-Learning

University of Zuerich


Hilfsassistierender mit Bachelor

Software Engineering

University of Zuerich

2018 - 2019

Tutor Softwarekonstruktion

Software Engineering

University of Zuerich




JKweb GmbH

2015 - 2017

Sachbearbeiter Finanzen


GVZ Gebäudeversicherung Kanton Zürich

2012 - 2014


Utah Provo Mission

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

2011 - 2012

Infanterist DD

Kdo / Uem Spez Bat 142

Schweizer Armee